I am a Versatile, Character Specialist and… the Guy Next Door. My innate acting ability and inborn sense of rhythm enables me to contort my voice into hundreds of manipulations to fit any need:
Easy Going, Announcer, Ethnic, Regional, Cartoon, Middle Class Handsome, Game Show Host, Elderly, Youthful, Feminine, Masculine, Overreaching, Political, Dark, Light, Silly, Ominous, Hip, Street, Rapper, and a little bit of Beatbox.
I enjoy being a mimic that is able to perform many familiar character impersonations. These dialects are malleable and can also be applied to various cartoon and "quirky" manifestations. ( Variation Example: Drunk, British, Pirate, Lisp can also be Drunk British Pirate with a lisp) I can mix it up, and I love a new challenge.
Me & My Big Mouth:
Off the cuff and out of my mouth....
Voice Description:
"I do appreciate that this one has a giant moustache"
HV Maritime Museum (2011)
"It doesn't feel like blood is exiting my body or anything."
My Bloody Valentine (2011)
" Good Knife & Good Luck."
CIA Knife Skills (2012)
Voice "Cred":
As a Silver Telly Award winning Producer Director/ T.V. Personality, I have voiced hundreds of productions both private and commercial. I am also very experienced in audio production, sound design, and music composition, and can manipulate and manufacture sound to meet any need.
Pre-, Post- and Production Services:
Trustworthy Pitchman:
This is one of my regular Guy Voices I call it... "Middle Class Handsome". It is casual, friendly, and tonally responsive to details. I was also the Producer Director and Editor of the spot, which was a commercial for Optimum Cable.
Demos & Links:
This is an edgy variation of my Regular Guy Voice. A subtle blend of Sports Announcer mixed with Extreme Dude and a little bit of Stoner ala Sean Penn.
Roller Derby VO:
Yet another variation of my Regular Guy Voice. It has an underlying urgency and is providing answers. It is serious and sarcastic with an edge. Think... Rod Serling.
Guy Next Door Narrator:
This was a simple British accent designed to supplement other exaggerated voices in segment about a Renaissance Faire.It is very storyteller silly and is only one of many variations of British that I can provide... please listen to my other demos for examples.
British Storyteller:
Range: Teenager > Elderly, Male & Female:
News Broadcaster, Surfer dude, Hippie, Stoner, Cigarette Smoking Man or Woman, Drunk, Pirate, Nerd, Rapper, Rocker, British Invasion Rocker, Sick Stuffy Head Fever, Nasal, Old Timey Radio Announcer, Angry Old Man, Mayor Lispy, Mr. Softy, Smooth Talking Northerner, Boston South Side, Guy Next Door,This is a Guy Next door voice with character. Extreme Sports, Extreme Dude, Mr. Front Porch, Metropolitan Slick, Fast Talker, New York & New Jersey Tough Guy, Mafia (You talkin to me???...Forgetaboutit!)​
British, Royal, Cockney, Liverpool, Italian, French, German, Irish, Scottish, Spanish, Greek, Slovakian, Russian, Man or Woman (shrill) Russian, Jamaican, Caribbean , Pacific Islander, Japanese, Chinese, Middle Eastern: Pakistan, Indian, Spanish, Mexican, Cuban, and Canadian.​
American Dialects:
Southern and Midwestern American: Native American, Cowboy, Pepperidge Farmer, Pan Handler, Bayou, Cajun, Louisiana, Southern Aristocrat, Midwestern (Fargo-esque) Dark Cowboy, Texas Oil Man, California Surfer dude, Valley Girl.
​Cartoons, Characters and Comic Similarities:
Evil Space Overlord, Young Super Scientist, Jar Jar Binks, Golem, Glomar (Punky Brewster), Toadwart( Gummy Bears), Muppets Kermit, Grover, Fozzy, Miss Piggy, Yoda, Yogi Bear, Booo Boo Villain, Pterry the Pteridactyl, All American Superhero, Super Villain, Tonto, Long Ranger.
Super Heroes:
Apache Chief, Samurai, Green Lantern, Hal Jordan, Spiderman, Peter Parker, Hawkman, Flash. Batman, Bruce Wayne, Robin, Dick Grayson, Clark Kent, Superman, Superboy .
Super Villains:
Mister Mxyzptlk, Black Mantis, Lex Luthor (and sidekick Otis), Solomon Grundy, Gorilla Grod, Sinistro, Darkseid, Calibak, Destro, Major Blood, Zartan, Joker, Toy Master, Penguin, Scarecrow , Bane.
" The Simpsons Character Similarities:
Apu, Barney, Moe, Mr. Burns, Comic Book Guy, Carl Carlson, Chief Wiggum, McBain, Groundskeeper Willy, Krusty the Clown, Martin Prince, Ralph Wiggum, Principle Skinner, Reverand Lovejoy, Sideshow Mel, Sideshow Bob, Rod and Todd Flanders,Lenny, Dr. Hibbert, the Sea Captain, Cletus and Grandpa Simpson.
"Family Guy" character similarities:
Peter Griffin, Lois Griffin, Chris Griffin, Stewey, Brian, Cleveland and Joe.
Actor and Celebrity Similarities:
Jimmy Stewart, Sean Connery, Ricardo Montalban, Jack Black, Ozzy Osbourne, Burgess Meredith, Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino, Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, John Travolta, Nick Nolte, Pee Wee Herman, George Gaynes, Patrick Warburton, Alec Baldwin ,John Ryhs, Davies, Ned Beatty Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, Deepak Chopra, Dr. Phil.
Actor and Celebrity Similarities:
F.D.R., John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon,Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan,George H.W. and W. Bush​
I can sings songs and Rap too...Da Da Da Duh Da Da-Doo!
Mackie Mixers, Various Microphones & Emulators, DBX Compressors/ Limiters, Sonic Foundry Editing Software: Sound Forge, Acid Pro / Music / Studio, Garage Band, Video Editing Software, Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premier Video Editing Software
I offer copywriting services
​I can deliver edited and finished voice tracks​
I offer voice direction services
​I offer radio ad production services​
​I have a music library and can add music to any project​
I can add special effects to any project
Recording and Delivery Capablities:
I will go to any designated studio in my area
I can record and then deliver the audio files via Email
I can record and then upload the audio files via FTP or Dropbox
I can record and then deliver the files by regular mail
Audio Equipment & Software:
​Credit cards​
*​Personal checks
*Cashier's checks
* Money orders
*In my local currency
Payment Methods:
All Rights Reserved by Jim Freni ™ ℗ & © Copyright 2013 ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​